while anything else in these games requires some level of skill, the lockpicking is purely a mindless action of holding a button and waiting. and on top of that as a player you don't even have any way to improve upon it. picking locks in T1/2 is nothing more than than a time waste. I hate when games waste my time for no reason. I imagine creating a virtual straight line which connects (in 3D) the center of the screen (tip of player's nose sort to speak) with a single point on the keyhole/knob/lock, and the shorter the line is the less time the picking takes. the center of the screen) the less time you waste on picking? Is it possible to script the game so that the closer the lock/dor knob is to the player's face (ie. Besides, 99/100 times a thief would just smash the case itself open, bypassing the lock (something I don’t think can be done in this ULTRA REALISTIC game…).I have a question about a seemingly simple mod to improve the lockpicking in T1/T2. They were difficult to pick because almost NOBODY in society could get the tools or had knowledge to make them, thus almost nobody was picking locks.

Medieval locks were not difficult to pick because they were complicated.

Perhaps I’ll return when i’m ready to play games again. That is not 100% warhorse’s fault, but it’s certainly one straw in a 100 straws that has “broken the camel’s back” in my head so to speak. I uninstalled because i’m burned out on overlooking horrible design decisions in games. Are you trying to convince me that medieval, HUGE KEYHOLE, locks take 10x more dexterity and skill to pick than a modern door lock? B*tch please. I was picking modern locks in my first day of being taught…as a child. It is a huge pet peeve of mine when a videogame touts “ULTRA REALISM”, then puts something in the game that is unbelievably unrealistic, just for the sake of trying to innovate or create artificial difficulty. I’ve given my opinion and haven’t ever implied that others are idiots for liking it. I’ll take the bait since I haven’t turned off email alerts yet for this forum.